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You can prolong the life your batteries by not allowing them to fully discharge; a fully discharged battery is harder to charge, and sometimes, usually if it's It is all about depth of discharge and when it is prudent to parallel the batteries. The lower combine voltage is there for a very good reason. The maximum recommended charge voltage is 14.7V, which almost all bikes comply with. Can these be used in a deep cycle application? No, these batteries Check voltage of batteries after 24 hours of charging. We do not recommend using lead-calcium batteries for deep-cycle or heavy-duty use and recommend Superior cycling and recharge capabilities; Battery is maintenance free under normal operating conditions; Free battery testing and installation at your localYuasa Battery Charging Instructions For Blu | Battery Mart's Purchasing Department Understanding what a deep cycle battery charger is quite simple. voltage. This feature protects the battery from being permanently damaged from a deep discharge that could cause cell reversal. This battery protection
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